Wednesday 5 October 2011

Review Of My Favorite Student Video

This music video is my favorite A2 music video from last year. Personally I like the song and thought it was a great song choice. Secondly the video was done well it kept me entertained throughout with all the different shots.The lip sync was on point and on beat everything was in proportion. Also I like the use of the green screen it was very well did if it was a more natural background you would thing the person was there. I liked all the different edits for example the words of the song came up on screen when the singer was singing it. All the wipes and fonts and split screens kept you interested and where very cool and neatly done on the beat. It wasn't a dull video it was very colorful with all the bright colors. There was a part when she closed her eyes and I found that she was really feeling the song and I got the intention that she meant what she was singing.

However there where a few things that could of been improved is that when the singer was in the park and there was a close up of her face she did lose some energy in the lip sync so it was quite obvious she was miming the words. another things that could of been improved more was the park costume as i felt that outfit wasn't as good as the others. But overall I enjoyed watching and listening to the song the stand out feature was the effects very good. I know it was good because if it wasn't then it would not be on the hall of fame page.

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