Monday, 10 October 2011

Artist That Have Used The Internet To Generate An Audience

Most of today music artist are people who where spotted by the many record labels and many other ways. So for those who have not been spotted or the record label do not think they are good or will become a star they have to look to other ways in order to get known and generate and audience for there type of music. One of the main ways in our modern society is, the internet. One artist who has used the internet to generate a fan base is Lily Allen. She started off in her teens years doing music quitting school to improve her performing and  compositional skills. She made an Myspace page which is also an social networking site and put up some of her songs, the viewing of her songs rose to tens of thousands thus making her very well known and getting a record contract. These social networking sites can be very helpful to and upcoming artist as it gets you and your music out there in the public for people to listen to and the good songs you make the more fans and audience you can generate. Social networking is very good because people all over the world are connected through them and you can become world wide star and not just a national star because people all over are connecting and sharing good music and musicians, you can become very popular if everyone is talking about your music and eventually a record label will come knocking. 
One of Lily Allen's songs has got 11 million views from tens of thousand the fan base is even bigger the song is called smile
Lily Allen
There are other artist that have generated a fan base using the internet. one of the biggest rising star Justin Beiber used YouTube to post him self singing and now has the world wide star usher as his mentor thus leading Justin to be the biggest teen/young musician across the world. Alexis Jordan who sings 'Happiness' has also taken this approach and now recently performed at the British MOBO's 

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