Monday 10 October 2011

Analysis Of The Original Video And Stating How My Video Will Be Different

This is the original and official video for Nathan's 'Do without my love' the main thing in this video is that the whole video is shot inside a house in different rooms. Group 8 video will be completely different simply because two thirds of our video will be shot outside in the open and natural light. There are also beds, chairs, hat stands, mirrors and fans these will not be in our video as we are outside therefore these things will not be present except for the chair when the lead singer in the white room sitting on the chair. Plus my costume will also differ even though I will be wearing white I shall be wearing a white blazer with white jeans unlike in this video here he is wearing white linen trousers and long sleeve t-shirt. Our video will also have a bridge and graffiti in the back ground and these are not present in this video. Another difference is that we plan to have a white room that is fully white even the floor will be white and this is not present in the video only the part where he is in some sort of corridor but there are also black doors and design unlike ours will be completely white even the chair we the lead singer will be sitting on. However we do have some similarities such as we too will have some dancing but there will not just be one person there will be two and as i mention earlier both singers are wearing white.

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