Sunday 16 October 2011

First viewing of our white studio location.

On the 16th of October myself and Karen went to visit our white room location where we will be filming part of samarges singing, and the dancers choreography. We booked a viewing day before we actually go to film in order to see whether it was suitable for our music video, and if the mise en scene fitted with our genre, which it did. It is a plain white bricked studio, with multiple backdrops in a wide range of colours, we have chosen white as this is plain, simple yet effective. We will be provided with three big spoltlights and blacked out lighting. (so no natural light coming through.) We took a pictures while we were there and videos, to show our journey to the location. As it is in south London we had to take down directions and different routes, due to the fact that we weren't familiar with the area. However, after veiwing it, we are very happy with the studio!

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