Andrew Goodwins feels that traditional narratives does not apply to pop video's. The reasons for this, are that the pop video's are built around the song. The pop video uses the singer as both the narrator and character.The singer looks straight/directly into the the camera trying to involve the viewer at home (trying to give a music hall feeling). Pop video's also rely on repetition and because of this repetition we get used to and familiar with the genre and have certain expectations of what should be in the video's for example the the rock genre we expect to his head bobbing a guitar player on his knees playing etc...
The three minute single is based on building up to a climax then fading away. There are three types of relationship between a song and the music video. 1.Illustration: this is where the video tells the story of the lyrics and example of this Madonna 'Pap don't preach' the dance moves in this video is showing the mood and feeling in the video. 2.Amplification: the video introduces new meaning that do not contradict the lyrics. 3.Dis function: this is where there is little connection between the lyrics and video. An example of dis function is Micheal Jackson 'Man in the Mirrior' the song talks about self reflection however the video shows major world events. Also Andrew says women are presented as things for men to look at and they are passive. video's also presents bands in there younger days so that the older audience can still recognize. Some video are incorporate image from a film it was written for. An example is Celine Dion 'Heart will go on' from the from Titanic
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