Sunday 27 November 2011

Summary of class discussion around the importance and function of the digipak?

A digipak is an ancillary that adds value and is seen as something more special than a normal CD album. It also tends to include more information about the band/artist in great detail, which makes their fans feel more closer to them. It is also seen as a modern approach to selling music. Digipaks are very important as they are what attracts the buyer, as the more they stand out the more someone will want to purchase it, and spend there money. However this may be done both at a store or through downloading. The cover art of the digipak can link to a significant style of the artist/band which will make it more unique for example Kanye West it was very artistic out of the world fantasy and this the type of artist he is with his lyrics and the way he is. This will all help the music industry as it will help to earn the artist more popularity in a time where free downloading is taking over.
It is very important that when making our own digipak will try to make them as conventional as possible. We can do this by sticking to a stereotypical digipak setup, having the artist name large and clear so it can stand out. It’s also very important that we include the name of our record label, web address, production information and a barcode. We have also been recommended to stick to 3 to 4 colours and to try and use one font throughout.
Kanye west album front cover.

The inside of  the unusual album that is different
and will make people buy it. 

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