Wednesday 23 November 2011

Final rough cut analysis.

On the 23rd of november I made some final touches to our rough cut. this was because we over edited it so there were way too many overlapped shots so we couldn't focus on our artist properly. Most shots were too quick and only stayed on for about 1 or 2 seconds when it should be 4 or 3 seconds so that made a big difference between our first rough cut and our second one.

We decided to end the music video in our dark location when we filmed in the rain at alexandra palace. The lighting is beautiful and the contrast between the white room location and this outside location i extreme yet effective. All the fades we put in was deliberate because it fitted with the song and made everything very fluid and flowing. Once we applied it to some shots we decided it looked better on all shots.

 The 'bridge' of the song we used all shots when the artist says 'what, where, when, how' as these are the key words, samarge successfully points to his fingers to the beat at each location so jumping from shot to shot he's doing the same thing, but in a different location and costume. This is a long shot at ally pally to show his whole outfit and the scenery behind him.

We decided to overlap our shots because our song is nice and slow (slightly faster than slow) so we wanted a mellow and cool effect. As i edited like this last year in as i decided it would work well, if i expanded on the skills i already know, so overlapping some dance shots with our artists proved to look impressive!

At this location we thought we wouldn't be able to use these shots as they were in pouring rain and samarge was so cold he could hardly move his mouth so that effected lip syncing. However the lighting was so nicely lit and our artist did such a good job that the shots turned out really good!
 On our first media lesson (3 hours) we decided to film once again to get close ups of samarge because we didn't want to loose marks due to lack of close ups. We filmed in 2 hour and edited in 2 hours. Done.

Big well done to my group!

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