Wednesday 30 November 2011

Analysis Artist Advertisement ?

This sandy and you can tell because the the font is clear and stands out. There is also an website where you can look up the artist and the name of the album called up to the challenge. You have an image of the artist because the three quarters of the poster is of her. One things could be improved is the date, there is no date in which it tells us the audience when the album gets released. 

This is the poster for the games album cover. The name tells you who the artist is in plain bright red and also tells you the name of the album. It tells you the artist that are on the album which makes a wider audience because all the other fans from the other artist now listen to his track because there favourite artist features on the games's track. There are also dates which tell you when it is released so you know when to buy it. Has an image of what he looks like even though you cannot see his face so clearly.

This is Madonna album cover poster. You can see the font is big and clear with all the details and information on the poster that tell all her fan when to go buy her album and dvd. It also has the record company which she represents and this is good as this gives the record company exposure. It also has the website where you can look up the artist. One thing that could be improved is the there are different languages on the poster not every understands in fact only a handful may know it in a certain country. One other thing is the fonts and colours I feel the font changes too much but then again they do work well together. 

Analysis Of Student Advertisement ?

This is a student album advertisement. This is a very good because you see the artist face clearly, and the information is nig enough to read. there are also ways in which you can contact or follow the artist because all the social networking sites and different logo's like the music company are on the poster. I also feel the colour works very well not to over the top everything goes together well. However one thing that can be improved will be putting an image of the album on the poster so everyone knows what it looks like.

Again another really good poster by a past student. I feel the black and purple work well together, the purple stands out so you can see the writing the font also is a good size and style so it is readable. Having the album on the cover is good also so the audience know what the cover looks like. It also tells you where it available which is important so people know where to buy it. One thing that could be improved is maybe have a Facebook, Twitter or a Myspace address so people can see what the artist is all about.

Another student poster well designed and sticked with only a few colours which is effective because it now not overcrowded. It had all the vital information and clear enough to read. It also tells you multiple ways of getting the track and has a website so you can look up the artist. One thing I feel could be improved is sticking to one shade of grey and not changing up the font and stick to one font. 

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Analysis Of Three Professional Digipaks

1. chemical brothers Digipak- This is the chemical brothers digipak called dig your own holes. This is an artistic cover, with a very simple colours black and white that make an image of a face. It a very simple and effective. However people who do not know the group will not really be drawn to buy it because it is kind of dull. On the other hand is might attractive to other people or the fans.

2. Kanye West Digipak-  This is Kanye West digipak called Another Fantasy. This is a very different type of digipak because unlike Soulja Boy, Kanye West does not have his face on his but i think this because he knows he well established and people know who he is unlike soulja boy who is just starting out. He has an artistic front cover, something that is unique. There is also a minimal amount of colours so it is not a paint pot with colours just thrown in. This has a parental logo to let the the audience know that there may be foul language use which may not be suitable for kids or other type of class.

3. Soulja Boy Digipak-  This is Soulja Boy album/digipak called 'IsouljaBoyTellem'. this is a very good good album because you can see the artist clearly and the name of the artist and album name is big and clear. The colours work well together and there are only a few so its not over the top. It also lets the his fan or his audience know that his number one hit is also on this digipak.

Analysis Of The Three Digipak In my Genre

build animated gif This is Usher. He's an artist in my genre who is a world superstar in R'n'B. His cover as you can see is topless and this I can also do to show off my body because the genre is sexual and showing off the muscles and slick toned muscles. Also I noticed that he is not looking at the camera you only see the side of his face but I think this is because he is already well established and people and his audience already knows what he looks like.

make avatar
This is another artist in my genre who is well known called Mario. He is looking straight into the camera so you can see his face. He to is also topless and this seems to be a very trade mark sign for people in the genre. the cover is slick and clear and simple not much detail gets straight to the point.

build animated gif
Another well known artist in my genre called Tyrese. Once again he is topless on his cover shows what genre he is in. Again very simple clear and straight to the point. All of the album covers is just the artist and very little words. However this may be due to the fact they are established.

Analysis Of Student Digipack

This is my analysis in class however its too small to read so I
decided to do a post on analysis.


Looking at this digipak immediately you can tell it was not very well done, like it was rushed and not planned and done to a high level in order to get an good grade. Firstly there is no copy right logo or information. Secondly there is no catalouge number going down the spine again vital things missing which is not good. Thirdly the image on the right hand side of the red line does not look good with the purple over it, looks unappealing and the image on the left hand side is stretched. However is saying all those bad things there are a few positives such there is a track listing, and bar code and the record label. overall this digipak is no where near planned and well done and you see so many flaws that it tells you not to buy it instead of tell you buy me!. 


This digipak is much better than the last I must say. This catches your eyes when you look at it, it makes you want to pick it up and read it because of the bright colors. But i do feel this is also a weakness cause it looks too bright you cant keep looking on it for a long time. All the information are on there such bar code and the spine is filled in with some graphics and and the digipak relates to the group genre so the ancillary is well done. 

Overall this is my favorite digipak, so ill try not to be bias. The images are well done, good images you can see the artist face and all the information is on back about copyright and all the record company logo. the spine is filled out so all in this is a good well done and thought through digipak the total opposite to the first one. However one weakness this dose have is the information on the side thanking people I feel is too much and over the top but apart from that I feel everything works well together. 

Analysis of 3 previous students digipaks.



All the above are successful digipaks, therefore as something to learn from i have found one not so successful.

This one isn't as effective due to the fact that it's so plain, and in my opinion the artist doesn't have a particular genre which she is representing. The colour scheme is boring, plain purple, and there isn't enough going on, even though some simple ones work well too. I feel like not enough effort has been put in. Also another big no no is to stretch your images which is what this grop has done, so it makes your artist look less attractive and thicker which isn't needed.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Summary of class discussion around the importance and function of the digipak?

A digipak is an ancillary that adds value and is seen as something more special than a normal CD album. It also tends to include more information about the band/artist in great detail, which makes their fans feel more closer to them. It is also seen as a modern approach to selling music. Digipaks are very important as they are what attracts the buyer, as the more they stand out the more someone will want to purchase it, and spend there money. However this may be done both at a store or through downloading. The cover art of the digipak can link to a significant style of the artist/band which will make it more unique for example Kanye West it was very artistic out of the world fantasy and this the type of artist he is with his lyrics and the way he is. This will all help the music industry as it will help to earn the artist more popularity in a time where free downloading is taking over.
It is very important that when making our own digipak will try to make them as conventional as possible. We can do this by sticking to a stereotypical digipak setup, having the artist name large and clear so it can stand out. It’s also very important that we include the name of our record label, web address, production information and a barcode. We have also been recommended to stick to 3 to 4 colours and to try and use one font throughout.
Kanye west album front cover.

The inside of  the unusual album that is different
and will make people buy it. 

Saturday 26 November 2011


Its nearly time to watch everyones music video! I am so excited and i cannot wait to watch our one!

Structure of our video.

Structure within a music video is very important as it establishes which part of the song is being introduced/played. It allows the audience to be aware of when a particular part of the song is going to come up. There needs to be a clear beginning, middle, (bridge) and ending, whether thats established by a specific change of outfit or location. One criticism we received was that we use all our different locations throughout the music video, for example: we don't us the white room footage for the verse, then the bridge footage for the chorus, then the alexandra palace footage for the bridge, instead we use all the shots fading in and jot from each other throughout. This is because we thought it went well with the flow of our song and kept interest throughout as it is after all, a long song.

On the second to last day of our deadline we got asked by our media teacher whether we wanted to take the risk and stick to using our shots back and fourth through out like we have, or to sit dow and edit all over again and put each location according to a specific part of the song. We felt this was very unnecessary as we didn't want a typical, conventional music video but we wanted to make something different. It matches well the structure in which we laid down our base tracks and shots so we wanted to keep it the way it is. Also, our teacher argued that going from a dark shot to a light shot (alexandra palace graffiti wall, to white room) was too extreme and maybe didn't make sense, however we didn't necessarily wanted the previous shot to link with the next one, as we weren't trying to tell a story, because our theory we followed was disjuncture.

An example of a music video which uses lots of locations is Beyonce's 'Countdown.'


Thursday 24 November 2011

Final music video!


Audience feedback. (final cut)

Teachers says its FINISHED!

Today we showed our teacher Mary and (Annabel) who said we had finished our music video and ready to screen it at the cinema on the 6th december!


here we are celebrating!

Screening at the cinema!

On the 6th of december we're going to the cinema near our college! This is so we can get audience feedback and view everyone else's music videos. It's a good experience to watch how everyone else's differ to your own, how they edited it, filmed it different locations, costumes and different types of shots.

I think it's a good way to get everyone's opinion on what you've done well, as it's on a big screen and clear to everyone how you've executed it.  Also to get improvements on what we could have done better, so this will improve our skills if we go on to study Media Studies at university. Woking in a team has been so important and i have learnt patience, co operation and improved all my editing, filming and performance skills.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

editing finished!

As editing is coming to a close for everyone as the deadline is this friday (25th november) we all have to think about our digipak as an indivdual! In my spare time I am looking more into producing an album as i want my album cover to be perfect!
This is roughly how the album is meant to look like. The CD, album cover, the back, the spine and the inside details. I will need to put info about the artist, and the music and the back.
Some CD also involve freebees to get the audience attention, like giving away ipods etc

and again..... :)

During our three hour lesson we did a lot of filming of close up of Samerge! We went to Owen field! and shoted! it was rainy and foggy that day! but the pictures came out good so did the close ups!

and it contiunes....