Friday 13 January 2012

The Technologies I Plan To Use

This was meant to be a video but since the internet server will not upload the video clip from the flip camera  I will have to write it out. 

I plan to use many video's and little writing because i'm trying to get across the point of using multiple technologies and there is more than one way of presenting the answers to the questions.

I also plan to use prezi instead of writing a whole load and showing so much screen shots I will put them on a prezi with my video with my writing so im using one technology as a box to carry others. 

Also I will sign up to slide share for my presentation I could just take pictures and screen shots but I thought it would be better if it was in a moving type of program. 

Photo bucket, Survey monkey are two of the other online sites I have signed up to in order to present the information in a technological way and i feel using these programs i will have taken on board what the teachers have said and hopefully boost my grade higher. 

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