Tuesday 24 January 2012

Evaluation 4- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                     Here we are making ways to the cinema!!

The reaction before our music video is about to go on
make gif

And the reaction after!!

The big screen

Comments that were received :
"Great use of mise-en-scene, the different location, the different shots, wasn't just focused on one shot but the use mid shot, close up and well done on the editing" 
Yes we had different shots like they said above, close up was the last minute shot we did, if we didn't have any close up i believe the video wouldn't of been successful. So am very glad we used close ups! 

"It was so cute!! I loved the dancers, especially the dance, but my only problem was that it was dark out of know where, like the his standing against graffiti, I don't think that made a very good contrast because it was daylight then dark"
The graffiti background I believed worked well but we had teachers and also other peoples feedback telling us how it didn't work, but looking back to it, it does look slightly a bit odd, as its dark out of the blue. But the colour contrast does look nice but for future reference I have learnt that mixing daylight and night doesn't really go well (from peoples feedback)  

"Great costume change! Great locations, and wow you actually rented a white studio just shows how dedicated you are to your media! But seriously love the white outfit the artist and the dancers were wearing went very well and I love the feel of Britshness of the location you chose to do."
We chose various location due to the influence of other artists. If we chose only two location it would be boring. Ally Pally was a last minute as well as we didn't have enough shots. If we didn't have enough shots it would of looked tacky, from this I have learnt that we should of used more shots and should of not left it for last minute. 

"The scenes were too fast, like I wasn't able to see some of the scenes properly as it was going way to fast for me. Other then that I did like some of the effects that were being used."
This feedback made me look at my music video again and it was kind of true, some of the scene were going a bit to fast, some of the scene were less them three second. From this I have learnt that we should of got more feedback before we uploaded and completed it as peoples view does help very much and makes us look back at ours. 

"There wasnt enough matchcuts, some shots didnt link very well, and the contrast of dark and light didnt go am talking about the graffiti background"
Alot of people have said that the contrast of daylight and dark didnt really go well, looking at this on a new light I watched my video again and it didnt really go well, and also I realised we didnt have enough match cut due to the lack of time. In future I will remember this and do matchcut if i did it again.

Here are the statistics of Angelo "do without my love" as you can see an increase of viewers since January. We have had a lot of viewers viewing our music video which is a postive thing as it may mean that viewers have enjoyed watching our music video.

One of the things I have realised is that when I recieved a lot of feedback, I realised that a lot of peopke love the idea of the dancers dancing which is actually quiet nice and entertaining. But one of the things people didnt like is the fact that there was no narrative, no story apart from the lyrics giving it away how his love struck and singing about his "loved one". Our music video didnt have a narrative if I had the chace to redo all this again I would add a narrative so the audience could be interessted or do something like "to be contiuned" as this will make the audience tuned in for the another music video. I also would of added more match cut, as one of my teacher did say to me that they would of liked to see more match cuts, this would of made the music video interestting. Also I wouldnt mix daylight with dark (light) as this doesnt really have a good effect to it. One important thing I have realised through out this process is that with out team work this video would of not been succesful, cause of excellent communication and excellent team work I believe this music video was succesfull even though there was some errors.  If I had the opportunity to do this again I would plan it more and also plan more of the shots, we did get overly excited and went straight for it but if I was given the chance I would plan more shots and include match cuts or I may include a narrative. I loved making this music video even though I didnt really enjoy editing but I loved doing the digi pack and also blogging! as keeping my blog up to date. This fabulous chance I was given to create a music video was just amazing. Audeince feedback was very useful and getting everyones reaction after coming out of the cinema. it makes you think about peoples opinion and thinking how I could of changed it. Some people gave me postive and some negative which I took in to account. One thing I do regret is me and my team could of made enough rough cut and uploaded it for more feedback, as I believe feedback helps a lot as its from different peoples and opinion. I have never had the chance to actually make a music video and now I have I enjoyed it so much! I believe it was succesful and I absouletly loved watching it on the big screen and getting so much feedback! Getting the feedback made me watch my music various time and made me realised there has been some errors like quick shots, too many transitions and also the colour contrast. But the location and the artist and the dancers worked really welll. We all had ups and down but we got through it as a team and without team work like I said would of not been succesful. Overall I believe my music video was succesful and I loved it and also I loved my group!  

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